AI technology continues to become increasingly popular this year. With plenty of AI-related services coming out, this trend has become somewhat established, causing the volume of AI servers to accelerate. Due to AI servers having a high level of computing performance, they will generate a large amount of heat. This is why heat dissipation has become an important issue with AI servers.

Not only do AI servers have heat dissipation issues, but so do non-AI servers, as Intel and AMD CPU specifications have continued to improve over the years. There are many issues to overcome with the current liquid cooling technology. The construction costs for liquid cooling are high and casing, tracks, water pipes, and data centers have to be redesigned. It also takes time to train maintenance personnel. This is why most servers on the market today are still using air cooling.



Comprehensive Custom Consulting to Improve Server Heat Dissipation

Air cooling heat dissipation structure and materials can decide the performance of the server. When heat dissipation is not efficient enough, the server’s temperature will continue to rise. If the air conditioner in the space cannot effectively reduce the temperature of the server, the server will start to initiate protection measures such as slowing down or forcing shutdown. When protection measures are initiated, reduced performance, slower response, and interruptions can be caused, leading to a negative user experience.

When it comes to evaluating heat dissipation, Allion has decades of testing experience and professional technical teams that can assist in constructing and collecting data from heat dissipation structures, providing clients with comprehensive analyses and evaluating different materials. Based on different needs, Allion can provide comprehensive consulting services that cover environmental testing projects for mechanical, electrical, and high-frequency products. In addition, Allion not only has technical capabilities and experience for various system interfaces, command operations, software updates, hardware replacement, and testing details, but we can also provide relevant testing suggestions and consultations to meet the various needs of our clients.

Allion’s Heat Dissipation Solution Process
Allion’s Heat Dissipation Solution Process


For example, Allion assisted a past client with replacing different heat dissipation materials and organized the data to provide to the client. The client then chose the best combination through the test data provided by our heat dissipation testing module. After collecting data for different heat-dissipation materials, we found the maximum temperature difference reached 5 degrees. From these results, clients can know the difference between different materials.

Through comparative analysis, we found that the maximum temperature difference of the CPU can go up to 5 degrees. This helped our clients understand the differences between different materials.
Through comparative analysis, we found that the maximum temperature difference of the CPU can go up to 5 degrees. This helped our clients understand the differences between different materials.


Another example of a project is shown below. After selecting and fin-tuning the heat dissipation structure and selecting materials, Allion successfully reduced the server temperature by around 9.3°C, meeting our client’s requirements.


Faster, Easier, Better: The Most Trusted Testing Consultant

Allion is deeply rooted in the IT industry and we have accumulated over 30 years of testing and certification experience. We’ve established a large database of millions of verification data. Through comprehensive intelligent testing suggestions and analysis, Allion can bring server-related clients with a full range of testing solutions, assisting them to achieve strict product quality control, and provide a faster, easier and better integrated consulting services and solutions.


We have a comprehensive range of testing equipment and environments including walk-in thermal chambers with heat loads of 13KW to 65KW and internal spaces to accommodate servers as big as a 3-seater 48U rack.


Clients can instantly confirm testing conditions or communicate with the lab with remote platforms or online communication software. Allion can assist in assembling or replacing parts of the server to improve the overall efficiency of your products.


Once we find potential risks in our client’s products, we can immediately help them understand the possible causes. Afterward, debugging and suggested solutions are provided to help our clients make faster decisions and solve problems more efficiently.

Allion Labs_Faster, Easier, Better


If you have any further needs for testing, verification, or consulting services related to the server ecosystem, please feel free to explore the following services online or contact us through the inquiry form.


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