New Trends in Retail Technology: The Rise of Professional Tablet POS (Point of Sale) Enclosures and Stands

Practical Application Environment of Tablet POS

With advancements in technology and the proliferation of mobile devices, the digital transformation of the retail industry is accelerating. Tablet POS systems are favored for their flexibility and cost-effectiveness. However, standard tablet devices often fail to meet the specific demands of retail environments, leading to the emergence of professional POS enclosures and stands as a new industry focus.

The Necessity of Professional POS Enclosures and Stands:

  1. Enhanced Durability
    • Devices in retail environments are prone to collisions, dust, and liquid damage.
    • Professional enclosures provide military-grade protection, significantly extending the device’s lifespan.
  2. Increased Security
    • Retail data security is critical, and standard tablets are vulnerable to theft or physical attacks.
    • Custom enclosures and stands can integrate anti-theft locks and physical encryption modules.
  3. Expanded Functionality
    • Retail scenarios require support for various peripheral devices.
    • Stands can integrate features such as card readers, barcode scanners, and receipt printers.
  4. Optimized Ergonomics
    • Long-term operation requires a better user experience.
    • Adjustable-angle stands help reduce operational fatigue.
  5. Power Management
    • Retail operations demand round-the-clock functionality.
    • Stands are equipped with large-capacity batteries that support hot-swapping to ensure uninterrupted service.
  6. Enhanced Connectivity
    • Stable network connectivity is crucial for POS systems.
    • High-quality enclosures and stands can optimize antenna design, improving Wi-Fi and mobile network signals.

As retail formats continue to evolve, professional tablet POS enclosures and stands will play an increasingly important role. They not only address many limitations of standard tablets in retail environments but also provide a solid foundation for future technology integration and business innovation. Although professional POS enclosures and stands solve numerous problems, they still face various challenges during the design process. One major challenge frequently encountered by clients is how to provide protection without affecting wireless signal transmission.

Are You Encountering The Same Challenges That Our Clients are Facing?

With the proliferation of mobile devices, tablets are becoming increasingly prevalent in POS systems. An internationally renowned tablet POS system manufacturer developed a specialized protective case and stand to enhance the security, stability, and durability of their products. However, the client’s engineering team was concerned that these additional accessories might negatively impact the tablet’s wireless connectivity performance. To ensure product quality and maintain a leading position in the market, the company decided to seek professional assistance and ultimately chose to collaborate with Allion.

The main challenges the client faced in developing this product were:

  1. How to comprehensively assess the impact of the protective case and stand on the LTE and Wi-Fi wireless performance of the tablet POS system?
  2. How to optimize wireless connectivity performance while maintaining the integrity of product functionality and design?
  3. How to ensure the product’s stability and reliability in various real-world usage environments (e.g., restaurants, retail stores)?
  4. How to shorten the product development and optimization cycle to respond quickly to market demands?
  5. How to achieve the best performance improvement within a limited budget?

Allion Provides Wireless Performance Solutions to Quickly Address Your Current Issues

Allion provides comprehensive wireless performance consulting services for clients, including:

  1. Designing Comprehensive Testing Plans
    • Developing complete testing plans for both LTE and Wi-Fi.
    • Simulating various real-world scenarios to assess the impact of enclosures on performance.
    • Testing covers multiple LTE bands and Wi-Fi frequencies.
  2. Accurate Data Collection and Analysis
    • Using advanced testing equipment to collect detailed performance data and precisely identify the impact of enclosures and stands on wireless performance through comparative analysis.
    • Utilizing professional software for data visualization to clearly present performance differences.
  3. Professional Diagnosis and Improvement Recommendations
    • Providing specific problem root cause analysis, improvement directions, and recommendations based on test results.
    • Offering detailed advice on materials, enclosure design, and antenna placement.
    • Proposing optimization solutions for antenna design across different frequency bands.
  4. Continuous Optimization and Verification
    • Assisting clients with product modifications.
    • Providing post-modification verification services to ensure the effectiveness of improvements.
    • Establishing a feedback loop for continuous product performance optimization.

Time to Market with Quality!High-Quality Services Create Value for You


Through this case, it is evident that the Allion consulting team, with its extensive verification experience, can accurately identify problems, provide feasible solutions, and carry out verification. By tailoring solutions to the client’s specific circumstances and integrating specific wireless products or protocols, Allion creates personalized wireless application environments. Regardless of the product development stage, Allion offers comprehensive consulting services to enhance product quality, reduce application risks, and deliver fast, efficient, one-stop solutions. Allion’s various advantages include:


  • Significant Reduction in Development Time
    • Professional consulting services helped the client resolve issues, reducing the overall time by 40%.
    • The product optimization cycle was shortened from the originally planned 3 months to 1.5 months.
  • Quick and Accurate Problem Identification
    • Successfully identified severe impacts of enclosures and stands on 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and LTE Band 5.
    • Quantified performance differences across various scenarios, providing clear directions for optimization.


  • Advanced and Comprehensive Testing Planning
    • Assisted the client in fully planning the verification process, enabling them to quickly and easily confirm product quality.
  • Knowledge Accumulation and Capability Improvement
    • The client’s engineering team significantly enhanced its wireless performance optimization capabilities through this collaboration.
    • Established a systematic process for wireless performance testing and optimization, beneficial for future product development.


  • Significant Improvement in Wireless Performance
    • Through material adjustments and antenna design optimization, the client restored normal operation in the problematic LTE frequency band.
    • Achieved over a 50% improvement in TRP and TIS for 2.4GHz Wi-Fi.
    • Performance improvements were observed in other frequency bands to varying degrees.
  • Enhanced Product Quality and User Experience
    • Optimized products performed more reliably in real-world environments.
    • User feedback showed significant improvements in connection distance and speed.
    • Increased product reliability and customer satisfaction.
  • Substantial Cost Benefits
    • Precise problem identification and solutions avoided unnecessary repeated modifications.
    • Estimated to save about 30% in development costs.
    • Products were launched ahead of schedule, capturing market opportunities and increasing sales revenue.

Time to Market with Quality!百佳泰為您的產品打造成功之路


This deep collaboration with Allion not only successfully addressed the current product’s wireless performance issues but also provided the client with a long-term competitive advantage. Through professional testing, analysis, and optimization services, the client improved product quality, shortened the development cycle, reduced costs, and achieved significant market success. This case highlights the critical value of professional testing and consulting services in the product development process and sets a new standard for the industry. As IoT and 5G technologies continue to develop, similar professional services will play an increasingly important role in product innovation.

If you have any testing, verification, or consulting needs, please contact us through the online form. The Allion service team is ready to assist you!

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