Combining the primary colors of RGB (Red, Green and Blue) creates the millions of colors on modern display devices. However, color definitions vary among different manufacturers. In response, Allion has developed a Logo certification program for sRGB (standard RGB), a color definition invented jointly by Microsoft and Hewlett Packard. Allion sRGB Logo Certification can give your products a competitive edge!
InquiryAllion Newly Developed sRGB Logo Certification Program Designed Specifically for Color Standardization of sRGB (Standard RGB)
Combining the primary colors of RGB (Red, Green and Blue) creates the millions of colors on modern display devices. However, color definitions vary among different manufacturers. In response, Allion has developed a Logo certification program for sRGB (standard RGB), a color definition invented jointly by Microsoft and Hewlett Packard. Allion sRGB Logo Certification can give your products a competitive edge!
sRGB Compliance Program
Allion has developed a set of tests designed to show that a specific OEM display meets the sRGB specification. An industry consortium led by HP and Microsoft promulgates this specification. The sRGB specification is intended to provide a practical standard for transferring color information between digital devices. The sRGB standard supports data transfer between many devices types, but our logo program is intended for display devices only. Allion is not redefining the sRGB specification nor did it have any input into the creation of the specification. Allion simply measures display color quality and compares it to the sRGB specification.
Products that pass all test items are granted the Allion sRGB Logo, which proves to end users that the display has been tested for compliance with the sRGB specification by an independent test lab. The final test results determine if an Allion sRGB seal or Allion sRGB PRO seal are awarded. To be certified for the sRGB PRO Seal, the monitor needs to show a higher level of color quality, as measured by display test metrics such as Color Gamut Space (at least 5%) and Dynamic Range (43%).
About sRGB
The aim of the sRGB color standard is to complement current color management strategies by enabling a third method of handling color within operating systems, device drivers, and the Internet that utilizes a simple and robust device independent color definition. This saves time and money to provide better display quality and backwards compatibility with legacy systems and devices.
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