Allion Qualified-
Brand Ecosystem QRS ProgramExclusive Program for World-leading Tech Companies: “Ecosystem Validation Program for Intel® Platforms” and “Mac Accessories QA Certification”Inquiry
Allion Qualified QRS Program for the Brand Ecosystem In the world of IoT, tech ecosystems are thriving at an unprecedented speed and scale. Each brand not only has its own ecosystem of smart devices, but also has different scenarios of application, such as for smart cities, smart homes, smart offices, and many more. Traditional test approaches like functionality tests are no longer sufficient to cope with this wave of IoT growth. Products—especially smart or wireless—should be tested for ecosystem adaptability. Allion launches the Quality Requirement Specification (QRS) Program for notable brands to qualify their products by defining test specifications. This program not only ensures the products are compliant with industry standards but also works seamlessly with everything in the network, accelerating the growth of IoT ecosystems. Allion’s QRS program will assist brands in delivering better user experiences when using Allion-qualified products. Brand Ecosystems and Their Components Who Uses Our Services? We work closely with world-leading tech companies, such as Intel, Apple, and Google, to launch programs specifically designed to validate their products in their PC Ecosystems. As one of Intel’s partners for Project Athena, Allion is accelerating the Intel ecosystem by launching the Ecosystem Validation Program for Intel® Platforms. This program defines test specifications to ensure “Low Power Display Panels”, which are essential for laptops to meet the requirements of Project Athena. As the market share of MacBooks increases, the number of peripheral accessories such as cables, connectors, speakers, and earphones is also soaring. As the Apple Store QA Third-Party Peripherals Test Lab, Allion offers Mac Accessories QA Certification Program to ensure peripheral accessories are interoperable with MacOS and have consistent performance in all user scenarios. We make sure that customers get the best user experience when using Allion Qualified products. Accessories passing the QA program will receive Allion’s test certificate as a guarantee of high-quality products, and also as one of Apple’s prerequisites to get into Apple Store. USB-C/USB Type-C® Accessories: Bluetooth® Accessories: As a third-party lab and Google’s partner lab, Allion is approved to offer Google Meet testing services for vendors to check the quality of their devices working with Google Meet hardware. Allion executes tests based on Google’s requirements to ensure that reliable audio/video quality and interoperability performance can be delivered to end users during video calls. The QRS Program Workflow Benefits of this QRS Program Certificate of Ecosystem Validation Program for Intel® Platform
PC Ecosystem
IoT Ecosystem
Smart Car Ecosystem
Ecosystem Validation Program for Intel® Platforms
Mac Accessories QA Certification Program
Type of Accessories
Test Cases
Type of Accessories
Test Cases
Google Meet Hardware Peripheral Qualification
Type of Accessories
Test Categories