AI Validation for Smart TVs
New technologies are redefining TVs with features like Wi-Fi, voice assistant, and the flexibility of installing apps onto TVs. As Smart TVs get more complex, vendors are painstakingly trying to validate the functions before they launch their products to the market. Allion’s AI Solution is designed to effectively validate your products and ensure TVs satisfy the needs of customers and bring the best experience in real-life.
InquiryIs there something wrong with your Smart TV?
- The wordings on the menu appears to be misspelled
- Mismatching options and their functions
- Bugs appear after software updates
- Press a button but latency issue occurs
A new approach for the new era of Smart TVs
The frequently seen issues in smart TVs can greatly affect users’ watching experience. Therefore, in order to build the perfect home entertainment for your customers, you need new approaches to validate your products and ensure they function in real-life scenarios.
The introduction of AI solutions to your validations will bring a high detection rate and high consistency of test procedure, which will largely enhance the test efficiency during different stages of your product development cycle.
Allion AI Solution- Our Core Technologies
With AI-enabled tools like Visual Recognition, Smart Navigation, AI Automation, and Big Data Analysis, we can enhance the overall validation process of your smart TVs.
We are also constantly developing new tools to help you streamline the complex test procedures. For Smart TV validations, we can select the ones we need among the rich test tool library. As the following table shows, each test case is customized with a set of test tools. The great variety of our test tools enables us to create customized solutions just for your products.
AI-enabled tools derived from the four core technologies of Allion AI Solutions
To track and define objects, pinpoint items that mismatch with the original design.
Navigates the complex and constantly-updating menu settings, ensuring all buttons are functional and accurate.
Generate signals via digital script and signal generators, effectively lower error rates and boosts work-efficiency with 24/7 operations of switching between different signals.
Collect potential issues and store them into clouds for further analysis.
A rich database of language library which comprises word tags to detect and define text accuracy of the icons and menu settings.
A customized library that comprises various voice patterns, including voices of different gender, ages, and environmental factors such as background noises, interferences, and distance between speakers and objects.
Designed to measure the latency which is difficult to be determined by engineers.
To control different TV remote controls and achieve consistent test procedures and processes.
We know what troubles you the most when it comes to Smart TV validations, and we are bringing new and customizable solutions to tackle the issues and help you validate your products. Contact us now to learn more.