As smart cars become more prevalent, advanced technologies and diversified functions are gradually becoming essential standard features. These include smart cockpit systems, audio-visual entertainment systems, navigation systems, voice assistants, and driver assistance systems. When software errors, hardware failures, or incorrect system configurations occur in these automotive electronic systems, they can cause inconvenience or even lead to traffic accidents. Therefore, reliable quality control during the design and development stage of vehicle research is a critical measure.

品質、效率我全都要!AI測試解決方案如何幫助Tier 1車廠突破驗證極限?

Challenges in Product Development and Verification for Tier 1 Manufacturers

A few months ago, a Taiwanese Tier-1 automotive entertainment system manufacturer was intensively preparing for the development of a new smart car. Although the project was still in its early planning stages, the team anticipated several difficulties during the subsequent quality verification process:

  • Automotive electronic components and smart cockpit systems have different testing focuses, making it difficult to integrate and manage the numerous verification items.
  • Manual testing would require additional personnel, significantly increasing labor costs.
  • The lack of experience among testing personnel would make it difficult to quickly improve the reliability, consistency, and efficiency of manual testing.
  • Relying on manual testing for quality verification introduces inherent quality risks.

This Tier-1 automotive system manufacturer visited the Touch Taiwan exhibition in 2024 and was impressed by the AI Test Solution (ART) showcased by Allion Labs. To overcome the verification challenges in their product development, the manufacturer reached out to Allion Labs’ automotive consulting team for additional technical support and assistance.

Allion Labs AI Test Solution (ART) provides multiple solutions, including Test Bench and full-vehicle testing
Allion Labs AI Test Solution (ART) provides multiple solutions, including Test Bench and full-vehicle testing, helping manufacturers achieve high-efficiency and high-accuracy product quality and performance verification.


Implementing AI Test Solutions: Simultaneously Upgrading Quality and Efficiency!

After detailed discussions with the client, Allion Labs’ automotive consulting team made the following recommendations: Since the new smart car being developed by the manufacturer would include more complex and diverse system functions, it was crucial to consider real-world user scenarios when planning various simulation conditions. These conditions would then be verified through a combination of human-machine interfaces.

In just three months, Allion Labs developed a customized quality verification consulting plan based on the product characteristics and consumer usage scenarios. This plan not only optimized the manufacturer’s existing software and hardware verification methods but also helped the Tier-1 automotive system client implement the AI Testing Solution (ART) to address their challenges.

The main advantages of the AI Testing Solution (ART) are as follows:

  • Intuitive Interface & Programming-Free Script Writing
  • Equipped with arm control systems, audio analysis systems, voice control, and visual recognition functions.
  • Monitoring and Complementary Functions
  • Automatic report generation: Logs are automatically captured when issues are detected.
  • Smart Wizard: Highly Adaptable to Different DUTs


Explore More: AI Test Solution (ART)


With the AI Test Solution as a new tool, the client not only improved their testing and workflow but also achieved the dual goals of increasing testing efficiency and product quality. With support from Allion Labs’ consulting team, the client successfully developed and produced their new smart car, meeting ISO 26262 standards.


Time to Market with Quality! Allion Labs Builds the Path to Success for Your Products

To help clients bring innovative products to market quickly and with high quality, while also establishing long-term technical partnerships, Allion Labs leverages its deep knowledge and expertise in the automotive field to offer faster, eaiser, and better customized solutions that pave the way for your product’s success.


A human can work only 8 hours a day, yet automation works 24/7 round the clock, accelerating your product testing by twofold or even threefold.


When automation replaces human labor in performing repetitive tasks during testing, it can raise test accuracy from 83% to 99%. Overcoming the limitations of manual labor, automated testing can monitor and record test conditions and detect the most minute of problems, unaffected by physical fatigue experienced by human test engineers.


This solution combines robotic arms with visual and auditory recognition software to ensure test results are “qualitative, quantitative, and reproducible.” AI Test Solution (ART) allows for the significant reduction of manual test errors, the quantification of test variables, and the reproduction of test results when necessary.

If you have any testing, verification, or consulting service needs, please feel free to contact us through the online form. Allion Labs consulting team will provide you with comprehensive faster, easier, better integrated consulting services, helping your product meet the goal of “Time to Market with Quality” as scheduled!

Time to Market with Quality! Allion Ensures Your Product's Path to Success

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