Allion Software for USB4® Electrical Test Automation (ASUE) has already been qualified by USB-IF and is now officially announced on the USB-IF website. This confirms ASUE’s capability to conduct USB4® Gen 2 and Gen 3 electrical testing. Furthermore, our authoritative certification tests and the development of USB4® Golden Plug test showcase Allion’s expertise as a leading USB-IF Independent Test Lab (ITL).


To remain in compliance with the latest USB standards, Allion has developed Automation Software for USB4® Gen2 and Gen3 Electrical Testing. This software is designed to help customers achieve faster compliance test throughput for multi-lane standards. By utilizing ASUE for fully automated Tx and Rx compliance testing, you can save a significant amount of time, simplify the process, and ensure consistent quality.

Allion is committed to providing faster, easier, and better services to our customers. As a trusted partner of USB-IF, Allion is authorized to provide testing and certification services for Full-Featured USB4®, USB3.2, USB2.0, USB Type-C®, and USB standard devices. We have established a comprehensive testing environment through a significant resource investment, supported by our extensive database. This ensures seamless product integration and full compliance.

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